2 min read

We Are Looking for Communities to Build our First U.S Based "Hub" & Innovation Center...

...and we are seeking to transform communities into places of abundance, since that’s literally what KBR means. KBR is our alternative economic system that we use for debt-free lending and community empowerment.

Currently, we have our pilot programs beginning to build “Hubs” & Innovation Centers across eastern and southern Africa. These are each growing in impact, empowering people and community, and providing tremendous data to learn from as we continue to move forward.

To sustain and feed the multiplication in each of these locations, we now need to start to build “Exponential Hubs” amid communities in the U.S.

What do these Hubs & Innovation Centers entail?

  • Our alternative economic system, KBR
  • Multiple waves of debt-free, community-based, gold-backed loans to help build the area.
  • Project development & strategic planning
  • Multi-layered consulting
  • Individual & community empowerment
  • Financial services
  • Business training classes
  • Innovative agricultural practices, and other industry related specialties from our partners.
  • Local office and staff or volunteer
  • And more, depending the specific community and needs.

How do we begin this?

First, we find the right community.

Then, identify an organization, business or group who is invested in building their community and seeing it empowered and transformed.

Next, we look to harness and strengthen some of the current giving and empower those existing resources through specific strategy mixed with an algorithmic system. This mix of “strategy & system” offers to give exponential results both in impact, and for the resources themselves.

Resources + Strategy x Algorithmic System = Exponential results.

Exponential impact looks like empowered people in this specific community, whose steps forward in the process will help launch a second wave, third, and so on for more people in the community. At the same time, we partner this U.S. based community with one or two of our international hubs, watching the resources multiply and help empower people and resources in a similar way there as well. This allows you to build the people in your community, so that they help build the community as a whole, while at the same time empowering communities in some of the most vulnerable but ripe parts of the world.

Exponential resources means the money does not stop with one donation. Through a mix of the algorithmic system (KBR, which actually means “place of abundance” in Aramaic) and through local participants taking steps forward, donations are harnessed to stimulate more waves of economic empowerment locally and internationally. Simply put, the money has a path to keep going, through people, the community, and to the nations.

If you are part of a group or organization working to transform communities in a kingdom sense and are interested in an alternative system that empowers both people and economics, please check out our partnerships page!

We've already started various projects in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Malawi, Uganda and Kenya. If you're interested in seeing the work we're doing in the region, we check out our initiatives.